Mr. Faisal Beg, Director of the Liaison Office; Mr. Barj Dhahan; Arvind Gupta, CEO of MITACS ; and Ms Ivy Lerner-Frank, from the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi at the plaque unveiling for the new UBC India Office
February 25 marked the formal opening of the University of British Columbia –India Liaison Office. The UBC India Office, located in New Delhi, is mandated to raise the profile of UBC in India, provide support for and facilitate partnerships between UBC and Indian partners, support visits to India of UBC groups, and provide current information about India and Indian programs to UBC.
UBC students and researchers will benefit directly from greater collaboration with Indian institutions and partners. In establishing partnerships and building connections with Indian educational institutions, government agencies, NGOs and industry, the university aims to create a balanced exchange of students and opportunities for research collaboration between both countries.