
2010 UBC United Way Campaign Kick-Off

2010 UBC United Way Campaign Kick-Off

The UBC United Way 2010 Campaign Kick-Off Breakfast took place on Monday 20 September.

2010 President's Staff Awards Presented

2010 President's Staff Awards Presented

The President’s Staff Awards were presented to seven members of the UBC Vancouver campus community on 21 September.

2010 address to the Vancouver Board of Trade

2010 address to the Vancouver Board of Trade

Professor Toope addressed the Vancouver Board of Trade on the topic of helping BC companies enter the global market.

TES article features comments by Professor Toope

An 11 September 2010 article in Times Higher Education features comments by Professor Toope.

Don’t swallow these innovation nostrums

Canada’s economy continues to outperform those of its G8 partners, despite reports that warned of its innovation gaps and lagging productivity.

Minister Clement visits UBC for a roundtable on innovation and commercialization

Minister Clement visits UBC for a roundtable on innovation and commercialization

Professor Toope recently chaired a Roundtable on Innovation and Commercialization.

O Canada

Stephen Toope and Neil Gross wrote an opinion editiorial on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s appointment of David Johnston, an academic, to be Canada’s next governor general. Titled O Canada, it originally appeared in Inside Higher Ed.

President's 2010 Campus Town Hall Events

The UBC community is invited to attend a UBC Town Hall Event. For locations and times in Kelowna and Vancouver, please refer to the Town Hall Event  section of this website. This information will also be available under  the Latest Information – Heads Up Group section.

APRU 14th Annual Presidents Meeting

Professor Toope addressed the APRU 14th Annual Presidents Meeting on 1 July 2010.

Heads Up Meeting: June 15, 2010

Heads Up Meeting: June 15, 2010

Professor Stephen Toope addressed the June 15, 2010 meeting of the HEADS UP group.

UBC President's spring 2010 address to graduates

UBC President's spring 2010 address to graduates

The University of British Columbia’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses concluded Spring 2010 graduation ceremonies on Friday, June 11, 2010. Please see Professor Toope’s 2010 Spring Congregation address, which is also archived under Speeches on this web site.

UBC Board re-appoints Toope to second term

UBC Board re-appoints Toope to second term

The Board of Governors of The University of British Columbia has reappointed Professor Stephen J. Toope to a second term of five years as President and Vice-Chancellor. For further details, please visit the Public Affairs website.

UBC’s Okanagan campus to double in size

UBC’s Okanagan campus to double in size

The University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus will soon double its land area, as the UBC Board of Governors today approved the $8.78-million purchase of 103.6 ha. (256 acres) of North Glenmore farmland from the City of Kelowna. Please refer to the press release for further details.

2010 Spring Congregation

2010 Spring Congregation

  The UBC Vancouver campus is currently celebrating its 2010 Spring Congregation. For more details, please see the Congregation schedule.

Proposed Provincial Legislation Announced (Bill 20)

On April 29th, the Government of B.C. introduced legislation that will positively impact UBC’s Vancouver campus. May 13, 2010 President’s Statement on UBC Farm and Bill 20 To respond directly to those who have raised concerns that legislation moving land use control from the Metro Vancouver regional government to the Province will imperil the UBC […]

United Way of the Lower Mainland

Professor Toope assumed the Cabinet Campaign co-chair role for 2010.

G8 University Summit

G8 University Summit

Professor Stephen Toope, with Dr. Indiria Samarasekara from the University of Alberta, co-hosted the Summit attended by university representation from the G8 and G20 countries, resulting in a Statement of Action.

President’s Statement on UBC Farm and Bill 20

To respond directly to those who have raised concerns that legislation moving land use control from the Metro Vancouver regional government to the Province will imperil the UBC Farm, I must be crystal clear that the opposite is in fact the case.

UBC’s Economic Impact

Professor Toope spoke at the September 29, 2009 Vancouver Board of Trade meeting about UBC’s $10 billion economic impact. To review his comments, see his speech and the study upon which it is based.

UBC and the Global Financial Turmoil

Read the messages updating the UBC community on this. 23 March 2009 11 February 2009 15 December 2008 26 November 2008