Update on Winter Session, Term 2
Dear members of the UBC community, I would like to begin by acknowledging that I am speaking to you from the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. Earlier this month, we announced that UBC would deliver online instruction until February 7. Today, we are confirming that the majority of instruction will be […]
Community Update, October 20, 2021: Vaccination Declaration Non-Compliance
Dear members of the UBC community. I’m pleased to announce that eight weeks into the Fall term, we are continuing to do very well with regard to COVID-19. As of October 19, 95% of students, faculty and staff have declared their vaccination status. Of those who have declared, 96% have declared they are fully vaccinated […]
Do Your Part: Declare Your Vaccination Status
Dear members of the UBC community: As you know, all students, faculty and staff must complete an online, confidential declaration of vaccination status at rapidtesting.covid19.ubc.ca/. It’s quick and easy to complete the declaration. I’d like to thank the many members of the UBC community who have already completed the declaration. If you haven’t completed it […]
Community Update, August 27, 2021: Mandated Masks and Vaccinations
Dear members of the UBC community. I would like to acknowledge that I am speaking to you from the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. Yesterday, I sent out a UBC Broadcast relating to vaccinations, masks and COVID-19 testing. I encourage you to read the message in full as it contains important […]
Community Update, August 20, 2021: Preparing our campuses for Fall 2021
Dear members of the UBC community. I would like to acknowledge that I am speaking to you from the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. It’s just a few weeks away from the start of the Fall term. If you’re coming to UBC for the first time, welcome! This is a significant […]
Update, August 13, 2021: Supporting Mandatory Indoor Masking and Vaccination
Dear members of the UBC community. I would like to acknowledge that I am speaking to you from the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. I have heard from many members of the UBC community asking for the university to introduce mandatory non-medical masks and vaccines for those returning to campus in […]
Weekly Update, June 11, 2021: A Phased Approach to the Fall
Dear members of the UBC community. I would like to begin by acknowledging that I am speaking to you from the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. With the start of the academic year just three months away, I’m looking forward to welcoming back our students, faculty and staff. According to BC’s […]
Weekly Update, May 21, 2021: Plans for Fall 2021
Dear members of the UBC community. As I noted in my UBC Broadcast earlier this week, we continue to work closely on our plans for the Fall with public health officials at the provincial and regional levels. You can find more details at broadcastemail.ubc.ca. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry is optimistic that we will […]
Weekly Update, May 14, 2021: Join the Vaccine-Nation
Dear members of the UBC community. Today I’d like to talk about COVID-19 vaccinations. More than two million vaccine doses have already been administered in BC, and tens of thousands of people are getting their vaccines every day. Everyone over the age of 18 in British Columbia can now register for a vaccination appointment so, […]
Weekly Update, January 22, 2021
Dear members of the UBC community. We begin the new year with hope, and anticipation of a better year ahead. Already, many vulnerable seniors and frontline workers have been vaccinated in British Columbia, and we can look forward to more widescale vaccination against COVID in the coming months. But just because vaccination has begun, it […]
Weekly Update, November 20, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community. I would like to begin by acknowledging that I am speaking to you from the traditional and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. Lately we’ve heard hopeful news about COVID-19 vaccines, with two of the groups working on a vaccine announcing promising results. However, it will be months before […]
Weekly Update, November 6, 2020
Dear members of the UBC Community: I would like to begin by acknowledging that I am speaking to you from the traditional and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. Je voudrais commencer par reconnaître que je vous parle depuis les territoires traditionnels et non cédés des peuples Musqueam. As you know, this week we switched […]
Weekly Update: September 14, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community: Recently, the number of COVID-19 cases in British Columbia has been increasing dramatically. This past Friday alone, there were 132 new cases. Hospitalization from COVID-19 are at their highest in four months. We all must do what we can to fight COVID19. Therefore, UBC is implementing a new measure […]
Weekly Update: June 26, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community. I hope you’re all doing well. Like many of you, I was disturbed by the violence depicted in a video of a police wellness check in January involving a student in the community. I condemn the behaviour shown in the video and the use of excessive force in any […]
Weekly Update: June 12, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community. It’s just twelve short weeks before the beginning of the Fall term, and UBC faculty and staff are busy preparing to welcome back thousands of new and returning students. This year UBC will be welcoming students from across Canada and from over one hundred and fifty countries around the […]
June 2020
Welcome Welcome to the June 2020 issue of Letter to the Board, a regular communication to members of the UBC Board of Governors. Naturally, most of our attention – along with the rest of the world – has been focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. In this newsletter I will give a brief summary of the […]
Weekly Update: May 29, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community. I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. What a difference a year makes. This time last year, the Vancouver campus was alive with the excitement of graduation – as thousands of graduates and their families came to UBC to celebrate. And students, faculty […]
Weekly Update: May 22, 2020
Dear members of the UBC community. I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. We’ve seen in the news lately that we’re definitely flattening the curve here in BC – thanks to all of us doing our part – and the province is gradually beginning to re-open. Not only that, […]
Weekly Update: May 15, 2020
Dear Members of the UBC Community: I hope you and your loved ones are well. This week the university made three important announcements as it and the province start phased returns. First, we told you about the status of the fall term. As you know, COVID-19 required the university to shift to online instruction in […]