Celebrating the 20th Year of the Longhouse and 25 Years of the First Nations House of Learning
Twenty-five years ago, the First Nations House of Learning was established, and 20 years ago, the Longhouse was built to house it. Both were among the first of their kind in North America.
Innovative Partnership Powers Living Lab Initiative
I had the pleasure today to announce that the University of British Columbia has entered into a new and innovative partnership with Alpha Technologies and Corvus Energy.
VP Human Resources Reappointed
I am delighted to announce that the UBC Board of Governors has reappointed Ms. Lisa Castle, Vice-President Human Resources.
Australian Governor General Visits UBC
I met with Her Excellency Ms. Quentin Bryce, Governor General of Australia today on her first visit to UBC.
To: All UBC Students, Faculty and Staff
I will be stepping down as President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia at the end of June 2014, after serving for eight years in what has been an inspiring and rewarding position.