Refreshing Our Strategic Plan

As UBC passes the halfway point on its strategic plan, Shaping UBC’s Next Century, the time is right to revisit the plan and define the university’s specific priorities and actions for the next three to five years. The process will include opportunities for members of the UBC community to provide their input beginning in the fall 2024.

Why Refresh the Strategic Plan?

Launched in 2018, Shaping UBC’s Next Century, was created with significant input from the UBC community. Across workshops, surveys and other vehicles, close to 9,000 people provided input on the university’s vision, mission, values and goals. For more information on the strategic plan, including other plans and frameworks across the university, please visit

Much of the work that went into developing the strategic plan remains vital and relevant today, though the environment for UBC, and for post-secondary institutions, has changed significantly. By revisiting and refreshing our strategic plan, we can celebrate and build upon our successes, apply lessons learned, adapt to a changing higher education and research landscape, and continue our trajectory of transformation, propelling UBC to even greater heights. Notwithstanding challenges, there is no question that the future is bright for UBC.

Our report (PDF) provides an overview of the current context, emerging trends in post-secondary institutions, and our progress to date to inform and guide our strategic plan refresh process.

Refresh Objectives

The intention of the refresh is not to replace our current strategic plan, but to define a series of priorities and actions for the next three to five years, largely focused on UBC’s academic and research mission. As such, the strategic plan refresh process will focus on three broad interrelated objectives:

  1. Envision what kind of university UBC strives to be over the next 25 years, to 2050.
  2. Define shorter-term priorities and actions over the next three to five years, especially with regards to our core academic and research mission.
  3. Continue to mobilize and support the achievement of existing institutional plans such as the Indigenous Strategic Plan, Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Framework, as well as Faculty-level plans.

Engagement Opportunities

There will be a number of opportunities for the UBC community to engage in our refresh throughout the 2024/25 fall term and new year.

We look forward to hearing from you as we embark on the process to revisit and refresh the strategic plan for UBC!