Presidential Priorities for 2019-20
As the first month of the 2019-20 academic year comes to a close, I’d like to discuss my strategic priorities for the year. These priorities include research excellence & innovation, sustainability, leveraging our physical presence, the Indigenous Strategic Plan, and the Integrated Renewal Program. My first priority is driving research excellence and innovation. UBC is […]
Open Letter to federal party leaders
Dear Party Leaders: With the federal election campaign now officially underway, our country’s future prosperity is top of mind for me as it is for millions of Canadians. In a rapidly changing world and in the face of global and national crises, Canadians look to you for the leadership and policies that help deliver a […]
September 2019
Welcome Welcome to the September 2019 issue of Letter from Santa, a regular communication from myself to members of the UBC community. Highlights Imagine/Create Homecoming/Sports Hall of Fame Integrated Renewal Program Update Fulbright Board UBC: The Next Century APRU Senior International Leaders Meeting Times Higher Education Rankings Opening of Exchange Residence Truth and Reconciliation UBC Connects […]
September 2019
Welcome Welcome to the September 2019 issue of Letter to the Board, a regular communication to members of the UBC Board of Governors. (You can also view this newsletter at Imagine/Create I was thrilled to participate in the Imagine and Create orientation events at UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses on September 3. Seeing and talking to the thousands of […]
Building New Bridges
Vancouver/UBC Opera Summit, Old Auditorium, UBC Thank you, Nancy. What a privilege to welcome you all to our beautiful UBC campus… we are deeply honored to have you here and trust you have enjoyed your first day of this national summit. It’s an important conversation you’re having here, on topics that resonate deeply in our […]
UBC and the global climate strike
Some UBC students have informed us they will join global climate strike activities on Sept. 27. We expect some members of the UBC community will choose to participate in the climate strike to draw attention to the climate crisis. This strike is a student-led initiative and we acknowledge that many of our students and community […]
UBC: The Next Century – the book!
“Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.” That’s the Vision that inspires the University of British Columbia. It’s entwined with the University’s Purpose: “Pursuing excellence in research, learning and engagement to foster global citizenship and advance a sustainable and just society across British Columbia, Canada and the world.” (You can read more about […]
Imagine Day 2019
UBC Vancouver Thank you very much. Thank you. It is really wonderful to see all of you here in this beautiful arena. We’ve been waiting for you to join us for several months. And we know that you represent the best and brightest of your generation. We know from looking at your applications and studying […]
Putting Students First with the Blue & Gold Campaign
I am always delighted to spend time with our students in Vancouver and the Okanagan and today I got to do both as I welcomed thousands of new students to our campuses in two boisterous rallies! In addition to welcoming the students, I also had the great pleasure of announcing that not only had the Blue […]