Summer 2019
Welcome Welcome to the summer 2019 issue of Letter to the Board, a regular communication to members of the UBC Board of Governors. (You can also view this newsletter at Welcoming new students September is rapidly approaching, and with it, the arrival of thousands of new students to our Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. We’ll be welcoming […]
Summer 2019
Welcome Welcome to the summer 2019 issue of Letter from Santa, a regular communication from myself to members of the UBC community. Highlights Welcoming new students University Climate Change Coalition Summit Federal support for UBC sustainability initiatives U7 Alliance President’s Medals of Excellence Joint projects with Amazon and Microsoft UBC Annual Report Shaping UBC’s Next […]
UBC calls for a TMT moratorium
UBC is deeply committed to engagement and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supports the standards of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. To advance our commitment, UBC strives to ensure that research projects involving or affecting Indigenous peoples are built on mutually beneficial, reciprocal and accountable relationships. UBC is also immensely […]
U7 Alliance will Address the World’s Most Pressing Challenges
Earlier this month, I had the honour of participating in the inaugural meeting of the U7 Alliance – which consists of universities from around the world coming together to addressing the most pressing global challenges (such as sustainability, clean water, gender equality and chronic diseases) in a multilateral context. The U7 Alliance includes universities from […]
Building an inclusive campus: A cross-border perspective
Society for College and University Planning, Seattle Washington (Professor Ono presented the first annual President’s Session during the yearly meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, which was held in Seattle, Washington, July 2019. This is a transcript from his session. He was introduced by Michael D. Moss, President, Society for College and […]
UBC’s Next Century: An update on the strategic plan
177 projects identified 21,347 students enrolled in enhanced courses $84 million raised for student awards and support for enhanced educational experiences This is just some of what we’ve achieved in the past year towards implementing our strategic plan: Shaping UBC’s Next Century. These achievements – and others – can be viewed (and downloaded as a […]
Statement regarding UBC’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
Over the past few weeks, university community members have expressed views on freedom of expression and academic freedom on campus, and UBC’s commitment to supporting equity and inclusion. On June 23, a controversial event booked by an organization external to UBC took place on the Vancouver campus, which was critical of Sexual Orientation and Gender […]