Amartya Sen, The Idea of Justice (Harvard University Press, 2009)
Building on John Rawls enormously influential explanation of justice, the Nobel prize-winning economist undertakes to remove justice from the realm of the ideal and to place it in the real life of societies trying to develop and to provide better lives for millions of people. Challenging and brilliant.
Yann Martel, Beatrice and Virgil (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010)
A taxidermist is writing a play about human attacks on animal biodiversity, using the Holocaust as an allegory. Can any author, no matter how gifted, deal creatively with the hardest and cruelest moments of twentieth-century history? One thing is certain: Martel is courageous.
President’s Statement on UBC Farm and Bill 20
To respond directly to those who have raised concerns that legislation moving land use control from the Metro Vancouver regional government to the Province will imperil the UBC Farm, I must be crystal clear that the opposite is in fact the case.
UBC’s Economic Impact
Professor Toope spoke at the September 29, 2009 Vancouver Board of Trade meeting about UBC’s $10 billion economic impact. To review his comments, see his speech and the study upon which it is based.
UBC and the Global Financial Turmoil
Read the messages updating the UBC community on this. 23 March 2009 11 February 2009 15 December 2008 26 November 2008
Respectful Debate
UBC President and Vice Chancellor Prof. Stephen Toope addresses the university community in a March 3 letter (PDF).
Amid Austerity, a Boost for Higher Education
The 2010 budget of the Government of Canada has struck a difficult balance in difficult times.
UBC’s Balanced Budgets for 2010‐11
UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses should enter fiscal 2010-11 with balanced operating budgets.
President’s Message on Haiti
UBC responds to the earthquake in Haiti with the Help Heal Haiti fundraiser on 22 January 2010.